Independent Film Production Tips |
record of events was kept by Eric
(Writer/Director of the film called "alt.sex")
Thoughts, ponderings and plans as they happen!
Will Eric be able to pull off such a stunt as this?
Should anyone else try such a thing? Stay tuned and see! |
two images come to mind. A bomb disposal expert recording a transcription
of what he is doing while he attempts to de-fuse his latest explosive
device. (That way if the thing blows up in his face, someone ELSE
will know what NOT to do. Or...a small child leaning WAY out from
a merry-go-round, desperately trying to reach the golden ring,
then having his small body thrown from the ride.] |
background garbage about the director.
Summer 1998 - Research
September 29, 1998
- Started version 1.0 of screenplay.
November 15, 1998
- Finished full script (version 1.6, first draft)
January 2, 1999 - Started
version 2.0 (2nd draft) Jim is changed to Geoff.
April 29, 1999 - Bought ACL
camera on the New York turnpike.
May 27, 1999 - Spinning
Wheel...(got to go 'round)
July 5, 1999 - Script
version 3.0
October 10, 1999 - First film
tests from Cinepost.
October 17, 1999 -
Bought 20 rolls of 7277 film from guy on alt.rec.movie.production.
October 18, 1999 -
Place New England Film ad.
November 11, 1999
- Bought Tascam DA-P1 DAT machine.
November 20, 1999
- Cara Maria O'Shea from New York auditions. (First one.)
She gets the part.
December 3, 1999 -
Deirdre Williams auditions
December 15, 1999
- Placed MFO ad.
December 30, 1999
- Phil Rectra audition. He gets the part.
January 3, 2000 - Kim
Lannon & Lauren Verge auditions. Both get parts.
January 5, 2000 - SAGging
January 20, 2000 -
Phil suggests "Chip" name. Version 4.0 of script is complete
with name changes.
February 2, 2000 - Bought
Sennheiser MKH-50 mic
February 6, 2000 - Full
cast rehearsal (w. shots)
13, 2000 - First day of shooting!
February 16, 2000 - Scratch,
scratch, scratch.
February 19, 2000 - Snow
day. Shooting canceled.
February 26, 2000 - 2nd
day of shooting. (Irene and Amanda knock heads)
February 27, 2000 - 3rd
day of shooting. (More of John and Geoff)
March 4, 2000 - Final office
sequence in the film.
March 5, 2000 - Up the
skirt cam
The infamous "You Da Man!" photo
March 11, 2000 - Sparky's stomach!
March 12, 2000 - Dan's
March 18, 2000 - Groping around
for a leg.
March 19, 2000 - Rob's
March 25, 2000 - There goes the
April 1, 2000 - Assorted
pickup shots
April 2, 2000 - Phil's
"Rubber Ass"
The Official Phil Rectra's Rubber
Ass Page!
8, 2000
- Bomb shots, etc
April 15 & 16, 2000 - More
of Geoff and Johnny
April 27, 2000 - Mass film office
May 7, 2000 - So much
for shootin', let's drink.
May 17, 2000 - Independent Feature
Project (Lookin' for film)
July 15, 2000 - Back
in action! Wonderbar first day.
August 5, 2000 - Tammy Twotone
& Deirdre the money woman
August 6, 2000 - The big
ending with Cara
August 12, 2000 - Shootin' at
the nightclub
August 13, 2000 - Woodrow
T. Justice
August 26, 2000 - Back to the
office, one last time
September 2, 2000 - Amandas
Party SEQ #1
September 9, 2000 - In bed with
Johnny & Lauren
September 13, 2000 - Darbys CU
bomb sequences
September 16, 2000 -
Eric's boring dissertation on the French New Wave cinema.
September 24, 2000 - Party seq
#2 with Kim Lannon
September 30, 2000 -
Laurens B-day party
October 7, 2000 - Beach scene
October 8, 2000 - Drinkin
in car, outside bar scene
October 21, 2000 - Street side
karate scene
October 22, 2000 - Shelly
& Earl (the transmission mechanics)
November 4, 2000 - Geoff with
his Newton redbox
November 5, 2000 - Tess
the cow
November 18, 2000 - Geoff & John
meet Mongo
November 26, 2000 -
Byte Me Dating
December 3, 2000 - Nightclub
sequence #2 (with Beth Lahr)
12, 2001 - Interesting Alfred Hitchcock quotes!
4, 2001 - Editing away, finding music
February 25, 2001 - Siamese
twins & Mongo
March 12, 2001 - Phils informal
guilt party + ambient recording
March 20, 2001 - Johnny
at his home computer
April 10, 2001 - We shoot the
April 12, 2001 - The
(pretty much) Wrap Party
April 26, 2001 - Recording the
Rubber Ass song & Wonderbar pickup shots
19, 2001
- Reshoot end of party scene #2
July 4, 2001 - Pounding away
at editing, graphics and music
August 13, 2001 - STILL
more pounding...graphics, editing and music.
August 30, 2001 - Death Faces
intro at Deja-Brew
8, 2001 - Coolidge Corner screening.
10, 2001 - Pass the ammo and let's start firin' (this thing
out there)
September 18, 2001 - The country
is depressed, send a FAX.
September 25, 2001 - Sundance
& Slamdance entries.
October 2, 2001 - At least my
friends seem interested.
October 8, 2001 - Talent? You
want TALENT agencies?
November 5, 2001 - I
get my eyes pecked out by Bob Hawk
November 30, 2001 - So much for
(Marketing) Agencies, film fests away!
December 22, 2002 - Electronic
press kit and the trailer goes online
January 28, 2002 - I get fucked
by a Blue Zebra
March 10, 2002 - The entire movie
goes online.
March 12, 2002 - I get my iTool
March 14, 2002 - Movie is back
March 16, 2002 - Film gets posted
on alt.binaries.movie.divx
April 10, 2002 - An indie filmmaker
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