Monday, March 06, 2000 10:07 PM
Subject: Photos your Mom won't wanna see!
There is nothing I could write here which could compete with
the comic genius displayed inthe photos attached, enjoy. Oh
Phil replies:
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 10:07:13
Subject: RE: Photos your Mom won't wanna see!
Regarding the you_da_man picture, I'd like to clear up any
misperceptions. Number one, I like girls. Number two, I got
my ding-a-ling from my dad (asian). The end.
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 10:25:16
Subject: Re: Photos your Mom won't wanna see
I don't think any of us doubt you on either count..... Smooch!
Horrigan gets to the email and:
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 15:17:09
Subject: RE: Photos your Mom won't wanna see!
Again - I had no part of the "you da man" photo that John MacLeod
has circulated. If one looks closely at the photo, one can clearly
see my head is super-imposed (via Adobe Photoshop) over Martin
Hanley's body.
As I recall, Martin had asked to borrow my shirt for a scene.
Also, as the shoot got later in the afternoon, I noticed Johnny
Mac and Phil getting frisky with one another. I also overheard
a conversation between Martin and John that mentioned "barking
like a dog" and "driving my dogsled", etc....More MacLeod monkey
[macleod] has a reaction of his own:
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 6:01 PM
Subject: RE: Photos your Mom won't wanna see!
I feel the need to clear away all this disinformation; the
facts are as follows. Martin was not even there that day, it's
obviously Geoff Briggs' body. Phil and I were not getting friskies,
it was 'whiskers'; and so what if we had catfood for lunch,
it's low in ash. [the cat owners are the only ones who'll get
the ash reference] And again it was geoff, not martin, that
wanted me NOT to 'park like a dog' and to please stop 'driving
my dogsled' [which I naturally assumed to mean his precious
As far as the monkey business goes; he was not an endangered
species, and we took precautions, so as far as I'm concerned;
we throw him a bunch of bananas and call it even. And John Horigan:
is this how you keep track of FACTS? No wonder they have you
lecturing about UFOs {sorry John, I couldn't resist} Oh the

Fearing 'bad comedy sophomoric backlash' John M. directed his pitiful reply
only to John Horrigan, up to that point most of the discussion
was directed to the whole group. The director laughed at it
so it is included here:
[MacLeod] retort
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 19:32:53
Subject: RE: Photos your Mom won't wanna see!
I gizzed on a photo of monica's dress, does that count? Has
comedy sunk so low?
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