Indie Film & Independent Film Production
an offbeat comedy indie film, is a surreal look at the world
of dating and computers. You can learn all about Independent film production on this site.
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What's the story?
Johns relationship with his
current girlfriendthe domineering
Ireneends, his friends step in to help him recover
and move on. Complicating his personal life are a hacker
whos disrupting the companys server in a way that
makes John look culpable, co-workers
with video fetishes--and the fact that Irene is just two
cubicles away from him eight hours every day.
Overwhelmed, John retreats to the safe anonymity of Internet
chat rooms where his fellow lonely hearts lend a sympathetic
When his buddiesas
well as a thong-wearing
feline, an anatomically
correct piece of latex and member of a motorcycle gang called
Spawn--become more hazardous than helpful, John sets
out to find the
perfect mate.
With his furry
pooch and an enigmatic
online friend for support, Johns search takes him
through misleading, badly-worded personals ads to lubed-up
urban rednecks, a
computer date with money to burn, a disgruntled, balloon-delivering
clown and more than one fishnet-clad
What's the big deal?
This independent film production (indie film) was shot in and around Boston, Massachusetts, over the
period of a year and half, with 38 shootings day, most of them
weekends. This independent film production or indie film was done completely on a volunteer basis
and on an extremely low budget. None of the cast or crew were
paid, all locations were donated. There were no unions, no grip
trucks, no caterers, no permits issued or insurance taken out.
The final budget for this indie film was $32,000, which covered mainly the camera purchase,
film costs and food for cast and crew for this independent film production or again..indie film.
- "Being an indie film my expectations for it
were pretty low, however its safe to say that they were
greatly exceeded. From what I saw, Eric definitely has some
talent; talent that needs to be encouraged."
- "This indie film was very comical, very effective for its
low budget, something that many people can relate to, and a
great way to keep your hand from stroking your cock for at least
an hour and a half!"
- "This movie is the second indie film since the Blair Witch
that again proves a great story line and NOT a massive budget
is the key to success."
- "What's really refreshing about this indie film, though,
is it's subtle sensitivity to absurd people and quirks... nuff
said! Download it and watch it!"
- "there are uncountable gem scenes within the whole
indie film that are among the most funny ive ever had presented to
"This is a very funny indie film and it relates very very
well. The last time I laughed this much was when I forgot to
take my medication."
Flick-Girl Flick.com
A Girl's View: "Just goes to show a huge Hollywood budget
is not a prerequisite for an entertaining film." A
Guy's View: "I don't think there was a solid minute
in the whole film when I didn't laugh."
Night Movie Club - "This is a very funny indie film.
The great majority of comedies that emerged in 2001 weren't anywhere
near as amusing as this one."
Wire Factory
- "The indie film itself is a very funny and true to life story
that could be compared to anyone's search for love" |
alt.sex TRAILER! |
(10 meg)
320x240 - 1 minute - 170 kps /MPEG-1 |
alt.sex Electronic Presskit! |
Movie synopsis, production information, flippant director
bio, cast/crew/music info, links to high resolution production
stills and The Boston Globe Magazine article. |
If you would like to send an e-mail to the director of this independent film production (or indie film)
and give him some crap, or request to download the movie,
you can do so below.
an e-mail to Eric Bickernicks
If you
would like to post a comment and give everyone else some crap,
go right ahead.
I wanna
post some crap HERE.