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No Means NO!
by The Defectives


(Nit..nit..nit..Bip bipadip bip!)

Chorus 1

I said no, No means no, I said no, no-no-NO!
It's not yes, no ain't yes, it means no, no-no-NO!

Read my lips, I said no, I said "Nien" like a German guy.
Hey no way, not today, tommorrow too, it's no to you!

Verse 1

John: Hey Everybody! Do you want to go BOWLING? (NO!)
Biks: Hey, can I SMOKE here? (NO!)
John: Does anybody want to use my tootbrush? (NO!)
Biks: Hey..anybody want to see my glass eye? (NO!)

Biks: (spoken) Aaah..can you pull my molehair out?
John: no.
Biks: Alright, then can you help me lance this boil?
John: no.
Biks: (honk) Hey! Look at this!
John: (disgusted) no
Biks: Do you want to give my grandmother a sponge bath?
John: no.

Chorus 2

I said NO! Like you date last night,
don't ya know, get it right.
No's (nose) the word, it's not your shnoz,
that's on your face, between your jaws.

Verse 2

John: (spoken) Hey! Look what little "Skippy" threw up!
Biks: no.
John: Ah, how about coming over here and helping me change this diaper?
Biks: no.
John: (chew) Mmm, corndog! Look! Aaaaaa..
Biks: no!
John: Do you know what this is? Smell it!
Biks: NO!

Biks: Hey! Would you ever put a live toad in your mouth? (NO!)
John: Do you want to see some more nude photos of Madonna? (NO!)
Biks: Ha Ha! How about swimmin' in a septic tank? (EEEeeehh!)
John: Do you want to chug this mug of ipicak? (NO!!)

Biks: (spoken) How about some Venezualan beaver cheese?
John: no.
Biks: Are you ever gonna tell me the two letters between 'M' and 'P'?
John: no.
Biks: Now wait a minute..are you positive about that?
John: You know, only a fool is positive!
Biks: Are you sure?
John: I'm negative! (bip bipadip bip!)


Happy no! Healthy no! Silly no! Simple no. Sexy no. Silent? (no)
Whats the word? You get it yet?